I found summer schools a great way to learn something new, and talk to some new people. Here you can find a list of summer schools/ conferences we may meet/ have met at...
I am an organiser of the CALF seminar.
Visiting Dan Abramovich's group at Brown August 10th-27th 2022
GAeL XXIX May 23rd-27th 2022
Visiting Martin Ulirsch's group in Frankfurt May 9th -13th 2022
Summer School on Derived and Triangulated Categories September 2021
LMS/ Bath combinatorial Algebraic Geometry school August 2021
IHES summer school - Enumerative Geometry, Physics and Representation Theory ** July 2021 (Attended virtually)
ATOM learning seminaur(sic.) on top weight cohomology (gave talk C1) June 12 - August 7th 2020
**You won't find me on any participant list, you will find me in the summer school's slack...